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These models have been developed to better understand, explain, and teach responsive modes of decision making and service delivery. These models are actively in use, and are being utilized to better provide care for chronically underserved and underinvested communities of the global majority.

Decolonized Value Based Reciprocity Model™

Decolonized Value Based Reciprocity Model™

When viewing from the lens of monetary compensation many of the communities who most need services are not able to afford a monetary exchange. This model doesn’t seek to diminish the need for monetary exchange but amplify the opportunity for equity in building other methods of exchange between individuals and organizations that allows for chronically under-invested communities to receive skilled professional care and support that allows reciprocity to providers. The goal of this model is to build sustainable, community and relational economy.  

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Mental Health Without Borders™

Mental Health Without Borders™

Communities and scholars of the global majority have called for culturally relevant and trauma-informed therapies that address the unique mental health and wellness needs that have been identified by their communities. Western mental health professionals, as a results of a long history of stigmatization and a lack of cultural sensitives are often not trusted be global majority communities today. Traditional and culturally responsive treatment of global majority communities focus on the whole person balancing mind, body, heart, and spirit in an intergenerational community setting. This model has been intentionally designed to increase mental health accessibility and inclusivity for health justice through a demonetized relationship between mental health systems, and those seeking mental health services. This was integrative care model was originally built and implemented in Indigenous and historically under-invested, and therefore chronically underserved communities in the Milwaukee Wisconsin area.

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Global Majority: A collective term for racial groups which constitute approximately 85% of the global population. It is being used as an alternative to racialized terms like "ethnic minority" and "person of color" (POC), or more regional terms like "Black Indigenous and People of Color" (BIPOC) in the United States; "visible minority" in Canada; and "Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic" (BAME) in the United Kingdom.


Denny, L. S. (2022). Decolonized Value Based Reciprocity Model™. Milwaukee, Wisconsins, United States of American: HIR Wellness Institute.


Denny, L. S. (2020). Mental Health Without Borders™. Milwaukee, Wisconsins, United States of American: HIR Wellness Institute.

Global majority. (2023, May 21). Retrieved from Wikipedia:

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